
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Crisis Text Line: Text SIGNS to 741741

Call 911 for immediate HELP

National Hopeline Network: 1-800-SUICIDE (800-784-2433)
American Association of Poison Control Centers: 1-800-222-1222
Crisis Text Line: Text “DESERVE” TO 741-741
Self-Harm Hotline: 1-800-DONT CUT (1-800-366-8288)
National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependency Hope Line: 1-800-622-2255
National Crisis Line – Anorexia and Bulimia: 1-800-233-4357
National Eating Disorders Association: 1-800-931-2237
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
Planned Parenthood Hotline: 1-800-230-PLAN (7526)
Veterans Crisis Line:

Asking for help is a sign of strength.
— Quote Source